1 How to Change or Disable Startup Programs Delay2 How to Enable or Disable Startup Delay via Double-Click using a .REG-file3 How to Free up RAM and Optimize Windows 10 Virtual Memory

“Startupdelayinmsec” in the Windows 10 Registry If needed, you can reduce or disable the delay of of startup programs via “Regedit” in the Windows 10 registry by editing the DWORD “Startupdelayinmsec”. We show you where you can find Startupdelayinmsec to reduce or turn off the autostart programs delay comletely. It you just want to quickly disable startup delay or re-enabling it without regedit, you can use the download based method at the end.

How to Change or Disable Startup Programs Delay


How to Enable or Disable Startup Delay via Double-Click using a .REG-file

How to Free up RAM and Optimize Windows 10 Virtual Memory

If you care about Windows 10 system performance you might also want to learn how to free up RAM in Windows 10 and how to create your own little RAM Cleaner. Also manually optimizing Windows 10 virtual memory management via pagefiles might help to speed up your PC.

How to Disable Startup Delay for Autostart Programs in Windows 10 - 29How to Disable Startup Delay for Autostart Programs in Windows 10 - 79How to Disable Startup Delay for Autostart Programs in Windows 10 - 7How to Disable Startup Delay for Autostart Programs in Windows 10 - 11How to Disable Startup Delay for Autostart Programs in Windows 10 - 47How to Disable Startup Delay for Autostart Programs in Windows 10 - 45How to Disable Startup Delay for Autostart Programs in Windows 10 - 89How to Disable Startup Delay for Autostart Programs in Windows 10 - 44How to Disable Startup Delay for Autostart Programs in Windows 10 - 58